Essay on cyber crimes for school students

Essay on cyber crimes for school students

Cyber Crimes are committed mainly on those computers that are connected to Internet.

A computer, which is connected to Internet, can be used to surf through the information and facts Loaded on other computers, which are also connected to Internet.

If we get some codes, which help us to get the secret information of a particular website, then we can manipulate the data and information loaded on that website.

These codes or passwords are not difficult to get. Eccentric young boys, computer programmers and greedy computer users get these codes to manipulate the information loaded on websites.

In order to carry out such activities, software programme are needed. After getting the password (or code) of a website, people exchange money or information by manipulating that website.

This is known as Cyber Crime in technical language. Crimes like this can be of several types.

Firstly, any person can send ugly and obscene messages through the E-mail service. Due to this action, the receiver of the E-mail message receives a setback.

Secondly, if a person, who knows only a little bit of computers, can spread Internet viruses on the Net. Normally, E-mail services are used to carry out such heinous tasks. Viruses enter that computer to which, these E-mail messages are sent;

thus they destroy that computer. Both the machine and its information can be seriously decimated.

Only recently, the Philippines Police had arrested the creator of the virus “I Love You”.

This young man had jammed the computer systems of the American Department of Defence by spreading this virus on Internet.

Thirdly, persons with malafide intentions collect information about the numbers or access codes of bank accounts.

They get the money transferred from these banks into their own bank accounts and the banks in question are do not even know about these transactions.

There is only the need for some deftness and the criminals walk away with millions.

Fourthly, some persons wreak havoc on the websites owned by the private sector firms.

They send viruses on such websites, collect highly sensitive information from the same or use the tools of defamation and try to foil the image of any person or firm on a website.

Fifthly, the system of electronic signature is in vogue on the Net. Some eccentric people steal the electronic signatures of others and use them to earn money.

Such types of crimes take place in transactions related to E-cash and global business operations.

It has become very important to check cyber crimes, because in the times to come, all the activities would be carried out through Internet.

Some crazy criminals or youth make Internet a toy in their hands and surf through it all the times to achieve their base ends.

They had better become alert because IT Act (2000) has been passed to deal with cyber criminals. Under the aegis of this Act, there is a provision to give harsh punishment to cyber criminals.

Even in the United States, where cyber crimes are high in number, such tough laws have already been made.

Cyber crimes are like a blot on the mankind.If these were to continue, the man would not be able to make progress in the arena of Information Technology.

In the times to come, computers, Internet and electronic techniques would rule the roost.

Cyber crimes would successfully make these (three) their easy targets.

The government of nations, people connected with the field of Information Technology and the private sector firms are responsible for controlling such crimes.

Cyber laws is that branch of law, which checks cyber crimes and regulates Information Technology.

In this context, the President of India has given his consent to the first cyber law of the country Information Technology Act, 2000.

The objective of this Act is to give legal recognition to electronic data interchanges or transactions done through electronic communication modes.

In its other objectives, some others are – use of alternatives of paper-based communication and information gathering, making electronic filing of documents easier in government organisations and making amendments in Indian Evidence Act (1872), Bankers’ Book Evidence Act (1891) and RBI Act (1934).

The objective of this Act is to provide such a type of infrastructure with which, the legal sanctity may be maintained in the context of activities being carried out through the modes of electronic processing.

According to the provisions of this Act, Email would be deemed a legal form of communication and it would also be recognised by courts.

On the basis of the legal framework given by the Act, firms can now continue E-mail activities.

It can be hoped that this law would play an important role in checking cyber crimes.

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